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Questions from Chile

Below are a series of questions put to Laurie Wesley by Rafael Iglesies, with Laurie’s responses. The Editors thank Laurie for sharing these thoughts and insights, they make interesting reading! 1. In many parts of Chile we can easily find high-rise residual soil slopes right…

What’s On at Waka Kotahi

Comments and opinions expressed in this article are not necessarily those of Waka Kotahi Slope Assessed Risk Level Course(s) The Waka Kotahi/NZTA ARL slope assessment courses previously detailed in the June and December 2020 Geomechanics News, have been delayed by Covid-19 due to the international…

Geotechnical Investigation for the Scott Base Redevelopment Project

Introduction The Scott Base Redevelopment Project (SBR) aims to modernise the facilities at Antarctica New Zealand’s Scott Base with extensive reconstruction of most of the current infrastructure. Golder was engaged to provide a geotechnical assessment to support detailed design of the proposed redevelopment. This article…

Separation of pumice from soil mixtures Dr Stringer received the 2018-2021 JW Ridley Geomechanics Paper award, for his paper “Separation of Pumice from Soil Mixtures“, originally published in Soils and Foundations in August 2019. Abstract Pumice-rich deposits are found in a number of locations around the world, and in particular…

Geology and the Clyde Dam

Simon Nathan ( This article was previously published in the Geoscience Society of New Zealand Journal of the Historical Studies Group 68, January 2021 The Clyde Dam on the Clutha River (Fig. 1), which started generating power in 1993, was the last major hydro-electric scheme…

Earthquake Hydrology and Liquefaction

As they flew along the newly formed Greendale Fault in September 2010, there were many things that Dr Simon Cox and his GNS Science colleagues could see were clearly awry during the first aerial reconnaissance.  But among the offset roads, bent hedgerows and fences, torn…

Professional Engineering Geologist – Body of Knowledge and Skills

1. Introduction This document defines the core knowledge and skills that a Professional Engineering Geologist (PEngGeol) is expected to have in order to competently investigate, analyse and communicate complex engineering geological issues which may arise as the result of the interaction between geology and the…

What’s On at Waka Kotahi

Comments and opinions expressed in this article are not necessarily those of Waka Kotahi Slope Assessed Risk Level Course(s) The Waka Kotahi/NZTA ARL slope assessment courses previously detailed in the June 2020 Geomechanics News, have been delayed by Covid-19 due to the international travel restrictions…

Shallow replacement of Expansive or Swelling Soils

In the June 2020 issue of NZ Geomechanics News ‘The Shrink Swell Test: A Critical Analysis’, Rogers et al., 2020, was published. This article provided an overview around the use of the Shrink Swell Test and current design practice for foundation design in NZ’s expansive…

Observations on Expansive and Shrinkable Soils – Discussion

Introduction I am writing this in response to the paper by Nick Rogers and colleagues in the June, 2020, issue of NZ Geomechanics News. I should say at the start that I agree totally with their conclusion regarding the shrink/swell test. The swell shrink behaviour…