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Young Geoprofessionals Report

Young Geoprofessionals Report

2023 is off to a great start and we have some exciting opportunities for YGP’s to get involved coming up. Regional Symposia Our four regional symposia planning are underway. Current dates are  Look out for the call for abstracts in the NZGS newsletter and get…

14th ANZ Young Geoprofessionals Symposium

14th ANZ Young Geoprofessionals Symposium

Rotorua, New Zealand In a time honoured tradition, the 14th ANZ Young Professionals symposium was held in Rotorua in November 2022. It was NZ’s turn to host and being the smaller of the nations and being the first international YGP event post covid, we were determined…

Ash Fall Hazard and Impact Review – Tauranga

Ash Fall Hazard and Impact Review – Tauranga

The focus of this report is to provide Tauranga City Council (TCC) with high-level guidance on the volcanic ashfall hazard in Tauranga and its likely impacts on TCC infrastructure. For the purposes of this assessment, the TCC assets considered are the three-waters infrastructure and roads….

Young GeoProfessionals Report

2021 – what a year! It’s been a rollercoaster of successes, steep learning curves, challenges and growth. If you were to tell us 2 years ago where we would be now, we would never have believed you. We managed to pull off three excellent regional…

Climate Change Symposium Report

In Early November, despite Covid’s best efforts to thwart it, the NZGS in association with Engineering New Zealand and the Sustainability Society held a three-day symposium on climate change with a focus on the geotechnical industry. This symposium aimed to be a starting point to…

YGP Symposium Reports 2021

YGP Symposium Reports 2021

South Island Young Geotechnical Professionals Symposium 2021 The South Island YGP Symposium was held in Christchurch on the 9th of June and was a great success. Congratulations to Tom Revell for winning the people’s choice award for his presentation on the southern hemisphere’s first rockfall…

New Zealand Geotechnical Society Research  Scholarship Reports

New Zealand Geotechnical Society Research Scholarship Reports

The NZGS Management Committee provides funding for a scholarship that would enable a member of the Society to undertake postgraduate research in New Zealand that would advance the objectives of the Society. Through this scholarship, the Society hopes to encourage members to enrol for post-graduate…

Chair’s corner

Chair’s corner

I would like to start this article by acknowledging the sad passing of Dave Burns (AECOM, Auckland) on 27 January 2018 and remembering all of the fine work that he completed during his career. Forefront in my mind are his many years of service on…

Liquefaction-induced ground movements effects

Liquefaction-induced ground movements effects

The “Liquefaction-Induced Ground Movements Effects” workshop was held on the University of California, Berkeley campus at the Faculty Club, 2-4 November 2016. Fifty-five people participated in the workshop. Invited workshop participants included leading researchers in the area of soil liquefaction and its effects in the…

Resin Injection Ground Improvement Research Trials

Resin Injection Ground Improvement Research Trials

Resin injection has long been used internationally for the lifting or ‘level correction’ of buildings. For this purpose, expanding resin mixes are injected into the ground at relatively shallow depths, resulting in ground heave and building lift. It is logical to expect that this resin injection…