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Assessment of seismic performance of soil-structure systems

Assessment of seismic performance of soil-structure systems

Three different approaches for assessment of seismic performance of pile foundations (and soil-structure systems in general) are discussed in this paper. These approaches use different models, analysis procedures and are of vastly different complexity. All three methods are consistent with the performance-based design philosophy according…

Site subsoil class determinations in Tauranga

Abstract The site subsoil classes used in Tauranga often rely on relatively shallow ground investigation data, and a site subsoil class C (shallow soil) is often used for seismic design outside of areas dominated by Holocene materials. In this study, active- and passive-source surface wave…

Ground damage caused by 2007 Niigataken Chuetsu-oki Earthquake

Ground damage caused by 2007 Niigataken Chuetsu-oki Earthquake

On 16 July 2007, an earthquake of magnitude 6.8 occurred with an epicentre off the west coast of Niigata Prefecture (Japan), causing widespread damage to buildings and other types of civil engineering structures due to ground shaking and earthquake-induced ground failures. This paper briefly presents…

Practical aspects of construction decisions for large wind turbine foundations

Practical aspects of construction decisions for large wind turbine foundations

The Stage 3 expansion of the Tararua wind farm involved construction of 31 new turbines. Cyclical rocking under wind loading requires a strong foundation material and particularly high stiffness. Greywacke rock was the preferred founding material. This paper concentrates on the practical aspects of construction…

Northport Berth 3 design and construction monitoring

Northport Berth 3 design and construction monitoring

Berth 3, an extension to Northport Ltd’s Marsden Point wharf facility, comprises a twin sheet pile wall to provide support to the new wharf deck and retain the adjacent reclamation. The wall type was selected to enable construction to proceed by walking a crane over…