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Comparison of the post-liquefaction behaviour of hard-grained and crushable pumice sands

Comparison of the post-liquefaction behaviour of hard-grained and crushable pumice sands

Abstract While the factors affecting the liquefaction resistance of sands have been studied by many researchers, their behaviour post liquefaction needs further examination. More specifically, understanding the effects of various parameters on the stress-strain relation of sands during the post-liquefaction stage is important not only…

Undrained monotonic behaviour of pumice sand

Undrained monotonic behaviour of pumice sand

Because of their lightweight, highly crushable and compressible nature, pumiceous sands are problematic from engineering and construction viewpoint. There has been very little information on their liquefaction characteristics and most empirical procedures available in evaluating the liquefaction potential of sands are derived primarily from hard-grained sands. To understand the…