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Non-linear soil mechanics

Non-linear soil mechanics

Abstract Routine effective stress analyses for failure of geotechnical structures use a linear Mohr-Coulomb envelope and routine analyses for ground movements use linear elasticity with constant Young’s Modulus E’ or one-dimensional modulus M’. Observations of soil behaviour show that strength and stiffness are non-linear and…

Non-linear soil mechanics

Non-linear soil mechanics

Abstract Routine effective stress analyses for failure of geotechnical structures use a linear Mohr-Coulomb envelope and routine analyses for ground movements use linear elasticity with constant Young’s Modulus E’ or one-dimensional modulus M’. Observations of soil behaviour show that strength and stiffness are non-linear and…

Rules of thumb in geotechnical engineering

Rules of thumb in geotechnical engineering

Ground engineers routinely use simple relationships – rules of thumb – to obtain soil parameters and to design ground works. Some of these have a sound theoretical basis and can be applied generally while some are purely empirical and so should be applied only within…