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Earthquake-Triggered Landslides: Understanding Complex Mechanisms

Earthquake-Triggered Landslides: Understanding Complex Mechanisms

Presentation by Dave Petley. Dave is the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation) at the University of Sheffield in the United Kingdom. His blog provides a commentary on landslide events occurring worldwide, including the landslides themselves, latest research, and conferences and meetings.

Characterising Blue Slip and its Impact on the Transport Corridor

Abstract Blue Slip is characterised by the unfavourable outcrop of bentonite 3km north of Kekerengu, North Canterbury. Despite repeated landslides impacting the key transport corridor below the landslide remains poorly defined. The aim of this research is characterisation of the landslide using methodology adopted from…

Slope Instability Hazards in the Auckland Region

This assessment was prepared to provide a general overview of slope instability in the Auckland region as part of the Auckland Regional Council’s responsibilities under the Resource Management Act (1991).