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Applicability of empirical SPT-CPT correlations for New Zealand soils

Applicability of empirical SPT-CPT correlations for New Zealand soils

  ABSTRACT Using a database of 230 co-located cone penetration tests (CPT) and boreholes with standard penetration tests (SPT) from sites across Christchurch, New Zealand, this paper assesses the applicability of a range of existing SPT-CPT correlations from international studies. Both simple linear CPT-SPT relationships…

Assessing the quality and uncertainty of in-situ seismic investigation methods

Assessing the quality and uncertainty of in-situ seismic investigation methods

  ABSTRACT Design in New Zealand is increasingly requiring parameters obtained from in-situ seismic testing for use in modelling and assessment of the built environment. In New Zealand shear wave velocity (VS) profiles are most commonly required. However, the quality of in-situ seismic testing can…

Improving the behaviours of expansive soils using recycled tyres

Improving the behaviours of expansive soils using recycled tyres

  ABSTRACT This study reports the results of an experimental investigation into the use of ground rubber (GR) products, at varying contents and sizes/gradations, as a sustainable solution towards improving the inferior geotechnical attributes of a subgrade clay deposit located in Adelaide, South Australia. A…

A Case Study: Trench Stabilization Using Cutter Soil Mixing

A Case Study: Trench Stabilization Using Cutter Soil Mixing

  ABSTRACT The Wynyard Edge Alliance (Auckland Council, the Crown represented by Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment, Downer, McConnell Dowell, Beca, Tonkin & Taylor Ltd) was formed to design and construct the infrastructure to support the 36th America’s Cup event in Auckland. In addition…

How much may the precision of site conditions modelling affect seismic risk assessment at large urban scale? The case of Thessaloniki, Greece.

How much may the precision of site conditions modelling affect seismic risk assessment at large urban scale? The case of Thessaloniki, Greece.

ABSTRACT The accurate knowledge of the geological, geotechnical, geophysical and geometrical characteristics of soil conditions at urban area, usually obtained through microzonation studies, is generally important to the seismic hazard and risk assessment, and consequently for decision-making with respect to the reduction of earthquake-induced losses…

Innovation Under Pressure – Ohau Point Slope Stabilisation

Innovation Under Pressure – Ohau Point Slope Stabilisation

  ABSTRACT Following the M7.8 Kaikoura Earthquake GeoStabilization NZ Ltd (formerly Hiway GeoStabilization Ltd) were awarded the North Face Ohau Point Scaling and High Tensile Mesh Installation contract. The original design to mitigate rockfall hazards included a pinned high tensile steel wire mesh. The ground…

Design of Pile Foundations at Site Prone to Liquefaction and Lateral Spreading

Design of Pile Foundations at Site Prone to Liquefaction and Lateral Spreading

  ABSTRACT Construction of a $77.8 million new hospital facility in Greymouth is nearing its completion. The geotechnical design framework used to mitigate liquefaction and lateral spreading is described. Design of the structural foundation systems required detailed consideration of subsidence, downdrag and lateral spread effects….