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The New Zealand Federation of Piling  Specialists – an introduction

The New Zealand Federation of Piling Specialists – an introduction

ABSTRACT With the significant growth currently being experienced in the foundations market it has been recognized by many of the leading geotechnical contractors that collectively they lacked a voice and ability to shape the industry in terms of quality, Health and Safety and general best…

Resilience based design in geotechnical engineering

Resilience based design in geotechnical engineering

  ABSTRACT Resilience of our built environment is important for our societies faced with a range of natural hazards, anthropogenic hazards and climate change. This requires a fundamental rethink of our traditional established and codified design approaches. A focus on resilience is required from early…

System response liquefaction analysis – application of a “base Isolation” effect

System response liquefaction analysis – application of a “base Isolation” effect

  ABSTRACT System response using dynamic effective stress modelling can capture the holistic behaviour of a potentially liquefiable soil deposit, including interaction between different soil layers. Compared to a conventional liquefaction triggering analysis, a system response assessment can either predict more or less damage depending…

Diana Falls – Then and now, moving from innovation to improvement.

Diana Falls – Then and now, moving from innovation to improvement.

  ABSTRACT In September 2013 what was described as one of the most extreme rainfall events in New Zealand, hit the West Coast of the South Island.  The storm claimed the lives of two Canadian tourists, closed State Highway 6 for two weeks and disrupted…

Settlement Performance of Dwellings Constructed on Takanini Peats

Settlement Performance of Dwellings Constructed on Takanini Peats

  ABSTRACT Significant portions of land east of Great South Road in Takanini have been progressively rezoned for development since approximately 2004. With the introduction of the Auckland Unitary Plan, additional land has been identified for future urban development. This land is typically underlain by…

Regional-scale liquefaction susceptibility  assessment for the Otago region, New Zealand

Regional-scale liquefaction susceptibility assessment for the Otago region, New Zealand

ABSTRACT Regional-scale liquefaction susceptibility assessments have been completed for the Otago region. The assessment used an office-based evaluation of existing information, equating to a ‘Level A’ basic desktop assessment as per MBIE guidelines for liquefaction-prone land. Information sources included geological maps, landform and soil maps,…

Designing timber compaction piles to achieve a target soil density using CPTu data

Designing timber compaction piles to achieve a target soil density using CPTu data

  ABSTRACT For sites with shallow soil layers consisting of loose sand and/or potentially liquefiable soil, timber compaction piles (TCP) can be driven into the ground to improve the geotechnical performance of the site, particularly for land supporting residential and lightweight commercial or industrial buildings….

DEM simulation of 1-D compression test on pumice sand

DEM simulation of 1-D compression test on pumice sand

  ABSTRACT Previous studies have shown that pumice particles are highly crushable, compressible and lightweight as a result of their vesicular nature. Hence, they are problematic from an engineering viewpoint. Currently, there is limited information on the geotechnical characteristics of pumice deposits. To address this,…

Design of pump station foundations by numerical modelling – Part 2

Design of pump station foundations by numerical modelling – Part 2

  ABSTRACT The Jeffreys water supply pump station comprises replacement of the earthquake-damaged 200m3 concrete suction tank with a new 500m3 tank. Ground conditions at the site predominately comprise interbedded alluvial silt and sand in the surficial 8.75m, underlain by dense sandy gravel. Surficial soils…