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2023 NZGS student poster Winners

2023 NZGS student poster Winners

This Year’s Student Poster awards as ever had the judges facing a difficult decision, however with winners from around the country placed in the top three, congratulations go to: 1st place Katharine Vincent: Identifying internal instability type with soil microstructure (PhD Student, University of Auckland) …

International Society for Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering (ISRM)

International Society for Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering (ISRM)

ISRM Australasian Vice President Our current ISRM VP for Australasia Sevda Dehkhoda will come to the end of her term this year. The Australasian VP role is for a four-year term and is rotated between our two countries, with Australia taking two terms followed by…

Society Branch Reports

Society Branch Reports

Auckland The Auckland Branch finished 2022 on a high note, with a great mini-symposium where we heard from speakers about a range of interesting technical developments and projects occurring across the Auckland and Northland regions. As always, the event led on to an evening with…

From the Chair

From the Chair

The 2023 extreme weather events The beginning of the year was marked with the significant weather events that affected many areas across the upper North Island.  Rainfall recorded over the summer of 2023 in parts of the North Island broke all-time records, with the February…

Young Geoprofessionals Report

Young Geoprofessionals Report

2023 is off to a great start and we have some exciting opportunities for YGP’s to get involved coming up. Regional Symposia Our four regional symposia planning are underway. Current dates are  Look out for the call for abstracts in the NZGS newsletter and get…



ISSMGE Heritage Time Capsule (HTC) Update At the ISSMGE board meeting, on 6 March 2023, Hurghada, Egypt, the following policy was approved:  HTC Contributions by 28 Member Societies and 14 Technical Committees are hosted on We will provide updates here on HTC contributions from…

The cost of Nature?

The cost of Nature?

I want to start this by saying a huge thank you to all of those who have submitted pieces for this edition of the magazine, we all know the industry has been somewhat busy with the cyclone responses but without people giving up their time…