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ANZ2023: 14th Australia and New Zealand Conference on Geomechanics

ANZ2023: 14th Australia and New Zealand Conference on Geomechanics

Introduction In July of this year, 480 geotechnical professionals from New Zealand, Australia, and further afield (16 countries were represented!), headed to tropical north Queensland for the 14th Australia and New Zealand Conference on Geomechanics. New Zealand had a good presence at the conference, with…

Project Update from the KiwiRail Geotechnical Team

Project Update from the KiwiRail Geotechnical Team

It is an exciting time for rail in New Zealand. KiwiRail is in a transformational phase in terms of processes, systems, and asset renewals. The KiwiRail Civil Engineering team has gone through a rapid expansion in the last few years. Currently our Civil Engineering team…

Obituary – Prof. Michele Jamiolkowski 

Obituary – Prof. Michele Jamiolkowski 

Michele Jamiolkowski was born in 1932 in Poland, where he spent his early years; he studied at Warsaw Technical University, obtaining a master’s degree in Soil Mechanics and Engineering Geology in 1959. As a young geotechnical engineer decided to forge strong international links, many of…

Society Branch Reports

Society Branch Reports

Auckland The Auckland Branch has seen a relatively busy second half of 2023, with plenty of events for members to attend, from both local and international speakers.  A standout evening talk for the branch was held in June, where UK travelling speaker Ian Webber (MD…



Toka Tū Ake EQC launches Natural Hazards Portal  29 August 2023 The Natural Hazards Portal launched by Toka Tū Ake EQC launched a website that makes it easier for New Zealanders to find information on natural hazard risks in their communities. This includes being able…

Analysis of Rockfall Fragmentation in the Torlesse Terrane Greywacke

Analysis of Rockfall Fragmentation in the Torlesse Terrane Greywacke

Introduction  Rockfall is a highly complex process that poses a major hazard to exposed elements such as transport corridors, infrastructure, services, and people (Chau et al., 2003; Corominas et al., 2005; Giacomini et al., 2009; Hungr et al., 1999; Zhao et al., 2017)2009; Hungr et…

Geotechnical data at your fingertips – revisited

Geotechnical data at your fingertips – revisited

In 1999, the late Dick Beetham and I wrote a short article for NZ Geomechanics News entitled “Geotechnical data at your fingertips”. In this article, we discussed how GIS data on the desktop can assist engineering and we outlined plans being formulated by our then…

2023 NZGS photo Competition Winners

2023 NZGS photo Competition Winners

We had a huge response to the photo competition this year (after a little additional prompting for entries) with 38 photographs to choose from we had to go through a couple of rounds of scoring to find our winner. Congratulations to all who submitted photographs,…