This course will provide training and guidance to engineers, geophysicists, and engineering geologists on how to collect, process, and assess the quality of data and results obtained from in-situ seismic investigation methods. The course will focus primarily on measuring shear wave velocity (Vs) using downhole/probe and surface wave methods. The presenters will discuss the translation of seismic measurements into site classification metrics such as Vs30 and fundamental site period.
The course content will be split into two days. Participants can register for only Day One, or for both Days. Day One will provide a more general overview of the different testing methods and focus on providing high-level information regarding how in-situ seismic testing should be conducted and reported so that quality and uncertainties can be evaluated by end-users. Day Two will provide detailed, hands[1]on training on data processing and interpretation for downhole/probe, surface wave testing, and horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratio (HVSR) measurements using free, open-source software developed by the presenters. Day Two participants are encouraged to bring a laptop with open-source software already installed (instructions will be provided prior to the workshop).
You must attend Day One before attending Day Two.
$600 +GST for NZGS, NZSEE, SESOC and NZSOLD members
$1200 +GST for non-members of NZGS, NZSEE, SESOC and NZSOLD
Course numbers limited.
$350 +GST for NZGS, NZSEE, SESOC and NZSOLD members
$700 +GST for non-members of NZGS, NZSEE, SESOC and NZSOLD
Course numbers limited.