ISSMGE Heritage Time Capsule (HTC) Update
At the ISSMGE board meeting, on 6 March 2023, Hurghada, Egypt, the following policy was approved:
- Contributions to the HTC could be in any language provided that the relevant ISSMGE Vice Presidents approved and that at least an abstract relating to the contribution should be in either English or French.
HTC Contributions by 28 Member Societies and 14 Technical Committees are hosted on We will provide updates here on HTC contributions from the remaining 62 Member Societies and 23 Technical Committees. The parallel/plenary sessions dedicated to the HTC project at each of the five ISSMGE regional conferences in 2023 & 2024 will provide important venues to engage in depth with the HTC Project.
ANZ Geomechanics Conference
ANZ2023 is a regional conference of the ISSMGE and is held on a 4-year cycle in between the ICSMGE conferences. ANZ2023, to be held from 2-5 July 2023 in Cairns Convention Centre, Australia, aims to reconnect people post-covid, help develop the next generation of geotechnical leaders through plenary and session presentations and to stimulate technical discussion. Details are available here:
During the ANZ 2023 conference, there will be a special session on the ISSMGE Heritage Time Capsule (HTC) project. The HTC session at the ANZ2023 conference will explore the role of academics in the Australasian contributions to the HTC project, and on the education of the next generation of geotechnical engineers along with the current state of geotechnical engineering programs in ANZ universities. It is planned to have a 6-person panel in the session consisting of a recent graduate, an industry expert and an academic from both Australia and New Zealand. They will provide well-balanced, good depth and coverage and timely information about the following three main topics:
- Education and training of the next generation
- How does industry manage the resource planning and development.
- The graduates’ experience in the industry and how it relates to their university education.
Panel discussions by senior and young members, and lively feedback from the audience to follow.
The work started at this HTC session will continue post-conference to develop an Australasian vision, mission and some strategic goals with achievable actions against each of the goals. In this way, we intend to deliver in the current ISSMGE presidential term, 2022-2026, a tangible and valued outcome for the ISSMGE Australasian region.
ISSMGE Secretary General
The President, Professor Marc Ballouz, is pleased to announce that Dr Andrew McNamara will be appointed as the new Secretary General of ISSMGE. Dr McNamara will take up the appointment after the next ISSMGE Council Meeting on 13 August 2023 held in conjunction with the 17th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Astana, Kazakhstan.
Dr McNamara is a practising engineer with a strong attachment to academia and research. He is both a Chief Engineer, Skanska UK Building and a Senior Lecturer in Geotechnical Engineering, City University of London. He will bring a wealth of experience and leadership to the ISSMGE Secretariat, and we look forward to working with him on the Board of ISSMGE.
ISSMGE Interactive Technical Talk
ISSMGE Interactive Technical Talk Episode 4: Environmental Geotechnics (TC215)
ISSMGE Interactive Technical Talk Episode 5: Sustainability in Geotechnical Engineering (TC307)
ISSMGE Bulletin
The latest edition of the ISSMGE Bulletin (Volume 17, Issue 2, April 2023) is available from the website.
ISSMGE Activities
See the ISSMGE website – for full details of all ISSMGE events and activities.