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New ISSMGE Website

The ISSMGE Board has commissioned the design of a new website, which is now live. The new website has a modern layout, more valuable content with enhanced functionality on a range of devices. The navigation bar better communicates the many activities of our organization, including:

  • “Online Library”, under “Publications”, includes a collection of 3,450 papers for download and a number of conference proceedings, including ICSMGE.
  • “Media” contains a collection of 28 webinars and online honour lectures.
  • There are sub-websites for each of the TCs, the Young Members Presidential Group (YMPG), and the Corporate Associates Presidential Group (CAPG). These websites will now be operated directly by the Committees and Groups themselves, and news from these committees and groups will be automatically promoted through the main page of the ISSMGE website.
  • Under “News”, you will find announcements made by various active groups in the ISSMGE.

Members are encouraged you to submit any feedback about the current website, as well as ideas about future initiatives.



The ISSMGE continues to offer successful and topical bi-monthly webinars on a wide range of geotechnical engineering topics by international experts in their fields. Past webinars are an excellent long-term resource for the profession and are available for viewing at any time from the website. Members are encouraged to suggest future webinar presenters and/or topics by emailing me.


19th ICSMGE, Seoul 2017

For the 19th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical engineering, in Seoul, Korea in September 2017, 9 papers are being prepared by NZGS members and 45 by AGS members. The AGS is grateful to the NZGS for transferring 9 of its unallocated papers to the AGS. Prof. Mick Pender is managing the NZGS’s submissions and I am managing the AGS’s. Papers need to be uploaded to the 19ICSMGE website by January 15, 2017.


Sydney Bid for 2021 ICSMGE (20ICSMGE)

The bid by the AGS to host the 20th ICSMGE in Sydney in 2021 is progressing with regular teleconferences. Our bid is far more visible in 2016, with exhibits (poster + AGS promotional materials) at many international conferences. Several Member Societies have confirmed or reaffirmed their support for the AGS bid and, at this stage, no other Member Society has indicated an intention to bid. Nominations must be submitted to the ISSMGE Secretariat by April 10, 2017.


ISSMGE Bulletins

Much of the information about the ISSMGE’s activities are contained in the ISSMGE Bulletin. To download copies, please go to the website.


ISSMGE Foundation

The next deadline for receipt of applications for awards from the ISSMGE Foundation is February 1, 2017. Further information is available on the website.

ISSMGE VP (Australasia)

My 4-year term as Vice-President for Australasia draws to a close at the end of the Seoul Conference in September 2017. We need to advise the ISSMGE Secretariat by April 10, 2017, who the next VP (Australasia) will be. The usual 2:1 (AGS:NZGS) cycle has become 1:1 over the past 20 years. I have been charged with the task of exploring whether the NZGS has any desire to change the cycle to parity (1:1), as has recently been undertaken for the IAEG. The AGS does not have strong feelings about this but wishes to open it up for discussion in the spirit of good will.
