In August we announced the results of our NZGS election, and this new committee is due to be ratified at our AGM on 27 September (please make sure you’ve registered!). One of the successful candidates was John Scott, a long-time supporter of the NZGS management committee. Since standing for election he has had a change in employment, and no longer feels he will be able to provide the time required during working hours to make a real success of the role. Rather than be a burden on the committee, John has requested that we withdraw his nomination. Since this happened before ratification at the AGM, his place on the committee goes to the candidate in the election with the next highest number of votes. In this case that candidate is Ayoub Riman.
We’re delighted to welcome Ayoub to the committee. He’s been involved in running NZGS activities since 2014, including local branch coordination and playing a key part in bringing together the recent NZGS Symposium. His enthusiasm, skill and work ethic will be a great benefit to the committee.
This change is a great result for the NZGS, as John has offered to continue providing technical support outside normal working hours on some of our key projects. I would like to thank John for his support of the committee, and look forward to continue working with him on many of our projects. I’m particularly grateful that John had the foresight to propose this change, and allow us to bring Ayoub onto the committee.